Voice and Communication Training
Video by cottonbro studios
Voice & Communication Training (VCT) is retraining your vocal muscles to change the way you sound. Voice therapists, also known as Speech Pathologists or vocologists, train you to use your vocal muscles to optimize your healthy voice like trainers train athletes to prepare their muscles for optimal use during sporting events in order to add certain qualities or reduce certain qualities to your voice.
Who benefits from Voice & Communication Training?
VCT is recommended for people who don't like the way they sound. Some people seek out VCT to neutralize their voice. Transgender people may want to avoid being misgendered and/or desire an authentic voice that expresses their true identity.
Why do I need Voice & Communication Training?
Our motto is healthy voice first. Vocal production is a complex mechanism that involves many muscles, systems, and the balance and coordination of the mechanism to produce a healthy voice.
Often, people who try to change their voice without the support of a voice specialist may inadvertently damage their vocal folds. The muscles can become tight, strained, or imbalanced resulting in hoarseness.
Voice damage may occur due to:
Intensive Vocal Use (lawyers, customer service reps, teachers, etc)
Inefficient Vocal Production: Running out of breath or talking to high or too low for your normal pitch range
Vocal Abuse: yelling, frequently talking over loud noises, etc
To read more about vocal disorders, visit our voice therapy page.
What happens in VCT?
Healthy Voice First! You will undergo a voice evaluation to assess the healthiness and current quality of your voice. During training, you will practice overall communication. We will help you stop any bad habits that may put your voice at risk for damage. You will also learn safer ways to speak.
Goals for VCT may include:
Respiration and Relaxation
Pitch: how high or low your voice sounds
Resonance: quality of your speech
Intonation: melody of your speech
Rate: how fast or slow your speak
Volume: how loudly you speak
Nonverbal sounds: coughing or laughing
Word usage
Speech Clarity
Social Communication
Why work with the Dream Team: SLP and Vocal Coach?
Our approach to voice and communication training is interdisciplinary. It is led by a speech language pathologist and a vocal coach. We combine our training and expertise to help you connect your voice to your body and express yourself in a natural and authentic way.
Our speech pathologists give special attention to the prevention and remediation of voice disorders to restore and maintain normal voice function. The SLP will initiate the training with a voice evaluation to make sure your voice is healthy. The SLP will plan to check in periodically for a joint session with our vocal coach.
Our vocal coach gives special attention to the development of full pitch and dynamic range, artistic quality, and vocal endurance. The vocal coach will help you connect your voice and your body movement for genuine expression.
Together, we partner with you to develop your voice as an instrument capable of optimum resonance, range, clarity, expressiveness, and endurance in a natural and authentic manner while expressing your inner self.
What type of training is available for VCT?
We tailor your training to suit your needs. We offer services in English and Spanish. You can choose a package for individual sessions for a more customized training or you can choose a group class that suits your needs.
Individual Trainings
Voice Feminization
Voice Masculinization
Voice Neutralization
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